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It belongs to Constitutional Monarchy (con-sti-TU-shun-all MON-ar-ky).

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New Zealand is a free and independent Parliamentary Democracy. NZ is part of the British Commonwealth.

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None we are independent.

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Q: To what governmental organization does New Zealand belong?
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Which does not belong Tasmania New Zealand New South Wales Queensland?

New Zealand does not belong, since the other three are Australian states while New Zealand is a country in its own right.

Does New Zealand belong to Australia?

No New Zealand is not part of the Australian continent. New Zealand is geographically and physically distant from Australia and is not on a continent. In geographic terms it is an isolated nation and island group.

Britain Australia and New Zealand all belong to what?

Australia, New Zealand, Canada and Ireland were all once part of the British Empire, as they were British colonies. Australia, New Zealand and Canadaare now all members of the Commonwealth of Nations. Ireland is not a member of the Commonwealth of nations.

To What general island group do New Zealand and Hawaii belong?

Polynesia. New Zealand, Hawaii and Easter Island are the three corners of the Polynesian triangle, a large area of the pacific Ocean.

Is new zealand part of the continent of australia?

No. New Zealand is a separate nation and consists of two islands but is not a continent in itself. Now the question is: Does New Zealand belong to the continent of Australia and if not, which continent does it belong to ? No, New Zealand is not on the same continental shelf as Australia and so is not part of the continent of Australia but is part of the submerged continent Zealandia and the wider region known as Oceania or Australasia. For citation please note: No

Related questions

Which country do the Maoris belong to?

The Maori people belong to New Zealand. They are the indigenous Polynesian people of New Zealand and have a rich cultural heritage.

Which does not belong Tasmania New Zealand New South Wales Queensland?

New Zealand does not belong, since the other three are Australian states while New Zealand is a country in its own right.

Which one does not belong New Zealand Queensland Tasmania and New South Wales?

New Zealand

Which one does not belong Tasmania New Zealand Queensland and New South Wales?

New Zealand does not belong in this group. New Zealand is a separate country, while Queensland, Tasmania and New South Wales are all states of Australia.

How do you say girl scout in New Zealand?

Girl Guide The New Zealand organization is called "Girl Guiding New Zealand".

Does New Zealand belong to Ireland?

NO. New Zealand is an independent nation. It is not a colony or dependency of another country.

What country do the Chatham islands belong to?

new zealand

What the month that belong with each season in new zealand?


What does the governmental acronym MINEDU stand for?

The governmental acronym MINEDU stands for Ministry of Education. This acronym is used for the education boards in New Zealand, Peru, Greece and Finland.

What electorate does John Key belong to?

New Zealand National Party

Who do the cook islands belong to?

The Cook Islands are a protectorate of New Zealand.

Does New Zealand belong to Australia?

No New Zealand is not part of the Australian continent. New Zealand is geographically and physically distant from Australia and is not on a continent. In geographic terms it is an isolated nation and island group.