Brisbane is 2 hours behind New Zealand New Zealand's Daylight Saving Time (DST) starts on the last Sunday of September - when the clocks are put forward an hour - and DST ends on the first Sunday in April
From the 2nd Sunday of March to the 1st Sunday of April and from the last Sunday of September to the 1st Sunday of November, Wellington is 17 hours ahead of Boston:
6 AM EDT in Boston = 11 PM NZDT in Wellington
From the 1st Sunday of April to the last Sunday of September, Wellington is 16 hours ahead of Boston:
6 AM EDT in Boston = 10 PM NZST in Wellington
From the 1st Sunday of November to the 2nd Sunday of March, Wellington in 18 hours ahead of Boston:
5 AM EST in Boston = 11 PM NZDT in Wellington
One is in the United States and the other is in Europe.
The flying time is 3 hours 12 minutes average passenger airliner Melbourne, Australia to Wellington NZ
There is a two hour time difference between Colorado (Mountain Time) and Pennsylvania (Eastern Time). Example: 8 AM in Colorado = 10 AM in Pennsylvania.
Arthur Wellesley was the Duke of Wellington around Napoleon's time.
the difference between Tokyo and wellington is that Tokyo has a bigger population and has a better government
Honolulu and Boston has a five hour difference.
is there a time difference from boston, ma to punta cana
Wellington is 5 hours ahead of Singapore. For example, when it is 12:00 PM in Singapore, it is 5:00 PM on the same day in Wellington.
The time difference between Boston, MA and Madrid, Spain is five hours or 730 minutes.
The time difference between Stockholm, Sweden, and Boston, Massachusetts, in August is six hours. Stockholm is six hours ahead of Boston. Stockholm is in the Central European time zone, and Boston is in the eastern time zone.
When it is noon in Boston it is 11AM in OKC.
The time difference between Boston, Massachusetts, in the United States of America, and Ahmedabad, Gujarat, in India is 9.5 hours while Boston is on daylight savings time. Ahmedabad is 10.5 hours ahead while Boston is on standard time. India does not observe daylight savings time.
6 hours.
i think its 4 hours
Just google map it