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I believe this is Calypso.

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Q: The queenly nymph and lover of Odysseus?
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What nymph kept Odysseus trapped on her island?

The nymph Calypso kept Odysseus trapped on her island Ogygia for seven years.

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Odysseus is trapped on the lush island of Ogygia, by the nymph Calypso at the beginning of The Odyssey.

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The nymph who imprisoned Odysseus on her island was Calypso. She held Odysseus captive for seven years before eventually releasing him at the request of the gods.

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The sea nymph that kept Odysseus on her island for 7 years was Calypso. The name of the island was Ogygia. Titan Atlas was said to be the father of Calypso.

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The Sea-Nymph Calypso

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You are the nymph Calypso, who held Odysseus captive on her island of Ogygia in the Odyssey for seven years before finally releasing him at the urging of the gods.

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Languishing on Ogygia, trapped by the nymph Calypso.

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Who Imprisioned odysseus's men in a pig sty before becoming his lover?

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