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San Francisco - Ch 16, p 483

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Q: The hub of the mining economy was?
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What does it mean when you say mining is a cornerstone of our economy?

What does it mean when we say mining is a cornerstone of our economy

How is mining bad for your economy?

its not

What is the earliest mining hub in Canada?

klondike gold rush

Australia's economy depends on mining and?

Australia's economy depends mainly on mining and agriculture. Tourism is also important.

Is mining more important to Australia's economy than farming?

Yes, Mining is

Does mining forms the backbone of chiles economy?

Copper mining and production is the backbone of the Chilean economy. It accounts for one third of the governments revenue.

Mining forms the backbone of chiles economy?

Copper mining and production is the backbone of the Chilean economy. It accounts for one third of the governments revenue.

What is considered the backbone of Chile's economy?

Mining forms the backbone of Chile's economy.

What is the basis of economy for Guyana?

Guyana economy relays on Fishing and mining for bauxite

What is the basis of Guyana's economy?

Guyana economy relays on Fishing and mining for bauxite

What is Saskatchewan's economy?

Agriculture, services, and mining

What is Ukraine's economy?

agriculture and mining