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summer-94 to 112 Fahrenheit.

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Q: Temperatures in the Monte Desert
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What deserts is characterized by moderately warm to cool temperatures?

These deserts have a generally cool climate:Atacama Desert Sechura Desert Monte Desert Patagonian Desert Namib Desert

What continent is the Monte Desert on?

The Monte Desert is in Argentina in South America.

What desert is in South America?

South American Deserts:Patagonian Desert Atacama Desert Monte Desert Sechura Desert Guajira Desert

What kind of animals are in the Monte desert?


What is the name of a cold desert in the Southern Hemisphere?

Antarctica Namib Desert Atacama Desert Sechura Desert Monte Desert Patagonian Desert

What are South America's deserts?

South American Deserts:Patagonian Desert,Monte Desert,Atacama Desert,Sechura Desert,Guajira Desert

Is Paraguay made up of deserts?

The Patagonian Desert, the Monte Desert and a small part of the Atacama Desert are all in Argentina.

What are the deserts of Patagonia?

The Patagonian Desert as well as a small section of the El Monte Desert.

Is the Atacama desert of Chile on the western side of the Andes and the Monte desert of Argentina on the eastern side of the Andes?

Yes, the Atacama Desert of Chile on the western side of the Andes and the Monte Desert of Argentina is on the eastern side of the Andes but southeast of the Atacama?

What types of temperatures does a desert have?

Temperatures can vary from -135 degrees F in the Antarctic Desert to +134 degrees F in the Mojave Desert.

Are there deserts in South America?

Yes, there are several deserts in South America:Patagonian Desert Atacama Desert Monte Desert Sechura Desert Guajira Desert

What are the desert temperatures?

The Chihuahuan Desert is huge and can have a variety of temperatures., However, parts of the desert may exceed 115 degrees F in summer.