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You can, but you will understand about 40% or so more of the book if you read the others first

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12y ago
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14y ago

if u want it all to make sence....

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Q: Should you read the Pretty Little Liars series in order?
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Is Pretty Little Liars a movie or a series?


What are the book titles in the lying game series?

Ali's Pretty Lies and Crushed are the books that is similar to Pretty Little Liars and The Lying Game.

Is the Pretty Little Liars series like the book?

no way!!

Where can you buy the Pretty Little Liars series?

Barnes and nobles

When does the series Pretty Little Liars end?

Not soon enough...

Related questions

What is the first book in the Pretty Little Liars series?

Pretty Little Liars!

What are the names of pretty little liars?

The books in the Pretty Little Liars series are:Pretty Little LiarsFlawlessPerfectUnbelievableWickedKillerHeartlessWantedTwistedRuthlessStunningBurnedCrushedDeadly

Which is the second book in the Pretty Little Liars series?

Flawless: A Pretty Little Liars novel

Does Kate die in the Pretty Little Liars series?

No, Kate doesn't die in Pretty Little Liars

Is Pretty Little Liars a movie or a series?


Is there a book in the Pretty Little Liars series called Twisted?

Yes. The ninth book in the Pretty Little Liars series is called Twisted

How many television series will there be of Pretty Little Liars?

In conclusion their will b a total there will b 4seasons of pretty little liars

Is pretty liars in movies?

I do not believe it does. Pretty little liars is in book form and it is also a TV series.

When is the Pretty Little Liars series finale?


What is the best book from the Pretty Little Liars series?

Either the first one (Pretty Little Liars) or the last one (Wanted).

Pretty Little Liars series?

pretty little liars flawless perfect unbelievable wicked killer heartless wanted twisted

When is Pretty Little Liars the TV series out?

The series is currently airing.