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Get it for PS3

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Q: Should you get Assassin's Creed Revelations on Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3?
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The A is Assassins Creed Revelations is just a letter on how you spell AssAssins creed

Will you get a rifle in assassins creed revelations?

you cant get a rifle in assassins creed revelations but you can get a hidden gun

What Assassins Creed have snow?

Assassins' Creed Revelations, III, and Rogue.

Assassins Creed Rogue or Assassins creed Revelations I just finished AC2 IwantRevelations because of EzioandAltair but I like the story ofRogue and theAC3CombatSystem?

Assassins Creed Revelations

Is there an assassins creed game that doesnt include sex?

yes assassins creed 1 and assassins creed revelations

Can you get the assassins crossbow in Assassins Creed?

Only on ACB (Assassins Creed Brotherhood) you can also get in revelations

Should you get an 13 year old assassins creed revelations?


How much is Assassins Creed revelations in dollars?

Assassin's Creed: Revelations retails for $59.99.

Is Lucy in Assassins Creed revelations?


Assassins Creed 2 is the same as the Assassins Creed revelations?

what kind of question is this they have completely different stories and revelations has multiplayer and a hookblade

What rating is assassins creed revelations going to be?

It's safe to say that assassins creed: revelations is rated M for mature (age17+)

Does assassins creed revelations has 3D?

Yes of course, it should be in the options menu