Really it's your choice. Snape's wand is a pretty basic wand and doesn't have many symbols or carvings, except at the handle. The handle is the most carving enriched part. If you're looking for something basic and cool, than Snape's wan isn't a bad road to take.
Definitely get snapes!
not sure.... try searching on google or somthing its bound to come up.
You have to push the controller in the opposite direction to Snapes wand in order to resist the occulmency. Do this a few times and you will get out.
No, you can live happily without those.
my wand
You can buy a Luna Lovegood wand from the Noble Collection website
I think I would prefer Dumbledore’s wand *the elder wand.* It is known as the most powerful wand in the world and Ron’s is a bit weak.
Online you can buy an Albus Dumbledore wand which is the Elder Wand and they will sell it in the park. So yes you can.
They buy it from a wand-maker. Or sometimes they inherit it.
buy one
From me..... £200
you can buy them on