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Asking whether anything should be done is an opinion question and does not change what can or will happen. Depending on state laws and the judge, minors can be charged with 1st degree murder. In most cases, they're not, but the closer they get to 18, the more likely it is that they will be. Judges can also impose additional charges and restrictions even if the minor is not tried as an adult, such as ruling that the murder stay on the minor's record permanently.

CommentsYes, they should be. Why? Because even younger than 14 many children know in this generation that the law can't touch them and most likely will get a slap on the wrist (first offence) or house arrest at best. Murder by the young is rising in leaps and bounds and the justice system is giving them light sentences if any at all. What about the victim(s) and their family(s)? What about the police putting their lives in jeopardy every single day that arrest these children and before the ink is dry on the paper the children are walking down the front steps of the police station with smirks on their faces! As the quote goes, 'You do the crime, you pay the time.'

Children from a very young age know right from wrong and the old excuse of 'I was abused' to 'my parents hate me and so do my friends' is getting far too worn out an excuse as is 'psychological disorders.' Every adult criminal in prison on murder charges has psychological disorders! There are many children treated just as badly or worse that do not commit murder or even attempted murder and become good citizens.

In British Columbia, Canada society has had enough. We've watched as the police chased down young teens that murder; drive-by shootings (taking innocent victims along with the gang related shootings); children killing children and children killing parents; drag racing and killing pedestrians and they have absolutely no remorse. A case just was heard on our news a few weeks ago where three young teens (for no apparent reason ... and they admitted it was for kicks only) beat a young man so severely with Baseball bats and ended it with an ax in the back of his head and now he is a paraplegic for the rest of his life. All of that young victims hopes and dreams are gone. To many of us that is just as much murder as if that victim had died. The judge let the three teens off on 1 year house arrest, report to their parole officer weekly, etc., to the awe of spectators and the best mistake these teens made was laughing in the elevator because they got off and knew they would (tried as juveniles.) The last laugh was on them because it was picked up on tape and sent to the judge. If the judge wasn't going to do anything more about it he had no option, but to do so as it leaked out to the media. There was a social out cry from citizens and many would have loved to have finished the job off on these teens with their own baseball bats. The judge had no recourse, but to have a retrial and hopefully these three teen boys will get what they so deserve.

Adult prisons should have segregated areas from prisoners who are minors, but the minors get the same treatment and follow the same rules. They need psychological counseling and to continue their education, but serve their time as an adult! Like wildfire the word would get around that if you get caught for attempted murder to murder or kill someone with your vehicle by your own stupidity that you will pay the time in prison! I bet it would take a year or less and you'd see the crime rate drop by a large percentage.

Also the old excuse of 'it's a fact prisons do nothing for the criminal' and the criminal system doesn't work is partially right. The prison system needs to be changed! There are far too many liberties in prisons (TV, computers, etc,) although there is nothing wrong with continuing your education. Clifford Olsen that killed many children during the late 1960's to the mid 1970's was finally caught and is in a segregated part of the prison serving a life sentence. He has access to the computer and to make phone calls and just recently I read where he is still stalking and mocking the families of his victims and explaining how he killed their children. Now one would ask how this is possible. Gee, if you're given access to an unmonitored computer (as proven) and you can make phone calls and have outside help to find the phone numbers of the victim's families then it's possible. Where is the Warden? Where are the employees of that prison to monitor all letters leaving and entering that prison and why aren't the phone conversation monitored? Prisons need to be cleaned up of Wardens not doing their job trickling down to unsavory guards doing favors for the prisoners. Not ALL Wardens or guards are like this, but there is at least one rotten apple in the bunch and that's all it takes. Reconstruct the inside of the prisons so young offenders are safe, get psychological help and get an education. Never mind the TV's and unmonitored computers. Access to libraries is permissible.

If the parents of these children were around to bring them up properly and be aware of where their children are and see their mood changes and be on top of it and get them the help they may need then SOME of these teens would be saved from committing further crimes such as assault/battery to murder.

It's time to stop being bleeding hearts and that should be reserved for the victims!

Here is a quote I just heard tonight and I think it hits the nail on the head:

'It is easier to build strong children then to repair broken men!'

I believe that it should be a law I know from former friends that they have done some pretty stupid stuff that put other peoples lives in danger. I think that they should be tried as adults on half of the stuff they do. I also believe that any minor should be tried as an adult if that minor commits murder. If our Legal System does not punish them like a adult that is just going to show them that there actions are ok and that they are free to do it again.

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Calls for an opinion. I believe they should make that call on a case by case basis, with no hard and fast requirement to either way.

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In my opinion no.

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Q: Should minors be tried as adults for first degree murder?
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Juvenile criminals should be tries as adults?

Such a debate has been the focus of civil rights groups and the justice system for years. It is a matter of opinion rather than fact, but the majority of persons connected with law enforcement and the judicial procedures of the law believe in specific cases a juvenile should be tried as an adult. Most minors are quite capable of understanding the consequences of their actions. Minors who commit violent societal crimes should be tried in the exact manner and have the same sentenced imposed as would an adult in like circumstances. They should not, however, be incarcerated in the same facility as adults or at the very least not in the general population of a prison or jail.

What is the duration of A Little Thing Called Murder?

The duration of A Little Thing Called Murder is 1.5 hours.

Are mionors charged as adult in Sweden for murder?

If someone is 18 or older they are charged as adults. Someone that is younger then 18 can't be charged as adult.

Should juvenile offenders age 12 and above be treated as adults?

Not in most instances and that is the reason they have hearings to establish whether a person should be tried in adult or Juvenile court. In a murder case they often are where in a shoplifting case they are tried in juvenile court and should be. One deciding factor that the courts consider is the persons history, if a 12 year old has committed varying degrees of crimes and they seem to be escalating in severity then the court will rule for adult court.

What was the outcome of the linda cavanaugh murder case?

The Linda Cavanaugh murder case was fictional in the Lifetime movie Widow on the Hill. It was based on the true story of the case surrounding Donna Somerville and the suspicious death of her husband Hamilton. She was found not guilty of first degree murder in a 2004 bench trial.

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What crimes would you think teens should be charged as adults for?

Premeditated violent murder

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Juvenile criminals should be tries as adults?

Such a debate has been the focus of civil rights groups and the justice system for years. It is a matter of opinion rather than fact, but the majority of persons connected with law enforcement and the judicial procedures of the law believe in specific cases a juvenile should be tried as an adult. Most minors are quite capable of understanding the consequences of their actions. Minors who commit violent societal crimes should be tried in the exact manner and have the same sentenced imposed as would an adult in like circumstances. They should not, however, be incarcerated in the same facility as adults or at the very least not in the general population of a prison or jail.

What is the deference in sentencing for the first degree murder and scond degree murder?

First degree murder: premeditated and intentional killing of another, and culpable mental state. Second degree murder: knowingly killed someone.

What is worse 3rd degree or first degree murder?

1st degree is worse because you get a longer prison sentence and you plan on the murder, you go into the crime intentionally killing that person.

When was A Degree of Murder created?

A Degree of Murder was created on 1967-04-19.

Difference between first and second degree murder?

First-degree murder is premeditated and intentional, while second-degree murder is committed without premeditation but with malice aforethought. First-degree murder typically carries a higher level of intent and planning than second-degree murder.

What is the difference between first degree murder charge and an open count of murder in Florida?

First degree murder is premeditated. Second degree murder is intentional but without premeditation. Third degree is criminally negligent.

What degree is murder if it was not premeditated?

2nd degree

What is definition of second degree murder in Utah?

The defenition of second degree murder in Utah is that touching an other human being's finger without permission is classified as second degree murder.

What is the highest degree in criminal justice you can get?

-Being justin bieber -Terrorism -1st degree murder+(torture or cannibalism) -1st degree murder -2nd degree murder -3rd degree murder -manslaughter -agression -robbery -pollution -public disturbing -killing Justin Bieber (you actually wont be sentenced for this one)

What does 1 degree murder mean?

Although the wording may be different in different states, the meaning is the same. The crime of first-degree murder is the act of committing an unlawful killing that is willful or premeditated.