To get rid of Riley, you'll have to leave Iron Island. But if you walk into it again, he'll accompany you. There's no way to get rid of him once you're inside so you'll just have to travel to the end of Iron Island with him.
you have s*x with your Grandma You F*ggot/le*bian
Get A Pokemon That Can Use DeFog,and navigate your way celestic town.
in Pokemon platnium go to your PC access bebes PC,move Pokemon.Then press A on the Pokemon you want to release then go down to release,press A and it wil relese your Pokemon
To get rid of the Magikarp in Valor Lakefront in Pokemon Diamond, fly to the lake in Snow Point City. Beat the gym leader and go back to the lake. Prepare for battle legendary to get rid of the Magikarp.
You'll have to go to Stark Mountain and help Buck to get rid of Team Galactic and then return to the cafe. Buck should be standing by it, so talk to him and he will open the door.
Yes if you get rid of 5 riolu you get a lucario ticket.
Why do you want to get rid of pokemon in a pokemon game? That sounds useless... If you mean you caught too much pokemon you go to "PC" (in any pokecenter) and choose release pokemon.
U cant get rid of HM moves in any pokemon game
you cant
Are you sure about that? Because you can! go to the PC access Pokemon storage system and then click on the Pokemon you want to get rid of, and click release, byebye Pokemon! Hoped this helped :)
A person can get rid of Pokemon on Fire Red by visiting the Pokemon Center. The pokemon can then be conveniently moved from Ash's backpack and into the PC box.
You cant get rid of it,but if a geek knows it,talk to him!
Missingno is a glitch in the Pokemon series. It cannot be gotten rid of. Once it is in your game, it will be there forever.
Sorry you cant get rid of them anyway there's nothing behind them but darkness
get a rare pokemon thats what i did
that is so easy! put the Pokemon you want to get rid of in your box. press a on the Pokemon go down the menu press release and done!!!!!!!!!!!!! make sure you really want to get rid of that Pokemon though...... you'll never be able to get it back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! unless you catch it again or you turn it off when you haven't saved releasing the Pokemon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!