page 58:) I don't know why this would need to be known because it isn't a significant part in the book.. but 58!
Yes, but they don't give you the actual described scene, but they make it obvious and assumable.
they talk about why edward left bella
well Bella and Edward talk about having a physical relationship in eclipse but in breaking dawn they do have a physical relationship and Bella is prgnant and has her baby
he asked in new moon but they talk about it in chapter 20 of eclipse
If you have the hard-back book of Eclipse than it should start on page 57 and continue through page 60.
Yes, but they don't give you the actual described scene, but they make it obvious and assumable.
Yes they do talk.
Yes, Bella gets the sex talk.
Eclipse He asks her to marry him in New Moon..
they talk about why edward left bella
well Bella and Edward talk about having a physical relationship in eclipse but in breaking dawn they do have a physical relationship and Bella is prgnant and has her baby
No, Charlie is, then Billy and Jacob.
that Bella is pregent... But they really just wanted to tell him that their engaged
I think it was the first night he stayed over at Bella's house.
I'm pretty sure it is in Eclipse, but they don't get married until Breaking Dawn.