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Primary economic activities.

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Related questions

Who was involved in the trading?

africans , overseers , and the overseer's people

Why were fellow africans involved in the slave trade?

Fellow Africans were involved in the slave trade for various reasons, including profit, political power, and as a result of intertribal conflicts. European involvement also incentivized some African leaders to participate in the trade.

Who were the main people involved in the slave trade?

Europeans and Africans

Who was involved in the triangular trade?

africans , overseers , and the overseer's people

Where do most west Africans live?

Most West Africans live in Nigeria.

Do most africans live in the middle east?

No. Most Africans live in Africa.

Why did Mongo Park get shot at by Africans?

It was discoverered he was involved with slave trade

Which two acts involved the territorial segregation of africans from the whites?

Land act, dispossession and restitution are the acts that led to the territorial segregation of the Africans from the Whites.

Which two acts involved the territory segregation of africans from the whites?

Land act, dispossession and restitution are the acts that led to the territorial segregation of the Africans from the Whites.

Who else did africans sell africans to?

united states most logic .

Where do west africans live?

Most West Africans live in Nigeria.

How did the triangular trade effect Africans?

The triangular trade had a devastating impact on Africans as it involved the forced migration of millions of Africans as slaves to the Americas, leading to loss of lives, destruction of families and communities, and the exploitation of their labor. Africans experienced unimaginable suffering and brutality during this period.