I have been reading about Central African Republic and the disease that I have read about the most is called Malaria and I think that is the answer.
Ili River, Syr Dar’ya, Irtysh River, Amu Dar’ya, and Issy- Kul
The major religion of the Democratic Republic of the Congo is Christianty. Most of the Christians in this country call themselves Roman Catholics. There is also a small percentage of the population (about 10%) that follow Islam.
Botswana Burkina Faso Burundi Central African Republic Chad Ethiopia Lesotho Malawi Mali Niger Rwanda Swaziland Uganda Zambia Zimbabwe Quick facts: A landlocked country is commonly defined as one enclosed or nearly enclosed by land. As of 2008, there are 44 landlocked countries in the world. Of the major landmasses that have more than one country, only North America does not have a landlocked country. List of landlocked countries * Afghanistan * Andorra * Armenia * Austria * Azerbaijan † * Belarus * Bhutan * Bolivia * Botswana * Burkina Faso * Burundi * Central African Republic * Chad * Czech Republic * Ethiopia * Hungary * Kazakhstan †‡ * Kosovo° * Kyrgyzstan * Laos * Lesotho ¤ * Liechtenstein * Luxembourg * Macedonia, Republic of * Malawi * Mali * Moldova * Mongolia * Nepal * Niger * Paraguay * Rwanda * San Marino ¤ * Serbia * Slovakia * South Ossetia° * Swaziland * Switzerland * Tajikistan * Turkmenistan † * Uganda * Uzbekistan ‡ * State of the Vatican City ¤ * Zambia * Zimbabwe: † Has a coast on the saltwater Caspian Sea : ‡ Has a coast on the saltwater Aral Sea : ° Disputed region with limited international recognition : ¤ Completely landlocked by exactly one country
St. Lawrence River
Do not have any idea about that ;)
I have been reading about Central African Republic and the disease that I have read about the most is called Malaria and I think that is the answer.
Central African Republic Cameroon Equatorial Guinea Democratic Republic Of The Congo Republic Of The Congo Gabon Chad Sao Tome & Principe
The major export for Central African countries is oil, comprising 70% of trade. Central Africa also exports cocoa, wood, copper, bananas, and diamonds.
The French colonized big parts of Northern, Western and Central Africa including: Mauritania, Senegal, Guinea, Mali, Ivory Coast, Benin, Niger, Chad, Djibouti, Central African Republic, and the Republic of Congo. See the related links for more information.
There are two major bodies of water in the north central plains. These are the Winnipeg Lake and the Hudson River.
Countries that lie on the African plate include Angola, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, and Tanzania among others. The African plate is a major tectonic plate that covers the continent of Africa as well as parts of the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea.
Ili River, Syr Dar’ya, Irtysh River, Amu Dar’ya, and Issy- Kul
The major religion of the Democratic Republic of the Congo is Christianty. Most of the Christians in this country call themselves Roman Catholics. There is also a small percentage of the population (about 10%) that follow Islam.
major bodies of water or rivers in poland
major bodies of water in utah