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He led the two resistance movements against Canadian government and Sir John A. Macdonald.

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Q: Louis riel led two resistance movements against whom?
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Why was Louis riel hung and when?

Louis Riel was hanged on November 16, 1885, for leading two resistance movements against the Canadian government. He was executed for his role in the Red River and North-West Rebellions, which sought to protect the rights and interests of the Métis people in Western Canada.

What are some accomplishments about Louis riel?

Louis Riel was a Métis leader who led two resistance movements against the Canadian government. He was instrumental in negotiating the terms of Manitoba's entry into Confederation and advocating for Métis rights. Riel is considered a founder of the province of Manitoba and is recognized as a key figure in the history of Canada's Métis people.

Why was Louis Riel guilty of treason?

Louis Riel was found guilty of treason for leading two Métis resistance movements against the Canadian government in the Red River Rebellion of 1869-1870 and the North-West Rebellion of 1885. His actions were viewed as acts of rebellion against the authority of the Canadian government, leading to his conviction for treason.

Where did Louis riel live?

Louis Riel lived in Canada, particularly in the Red River Settlement in present-day Manitoba. He was a political leader and founder of the province of Manitoba. Riel played a significant role in the resistance of the Métis people against the Canadian government.

Was Louis Riel for or against confederation?

he was for confederation.

What did Louis Riel start?

Although Louis Riel was a prominent figure in both the Red River Resistance and the North West Rebellion, he did not start either of them.

Why was Louis riel innocent?

Some argue that Louis Riel was innocent because he was fighting to protect the rights and autonomy of the Métis people, who were facing cultural and political threats from the Canadian government. Additionally, Riel's actions were seen as part of a legitimate resistance against colonial forces and unjust treatment towards Indigenous peoples.

Was Louis Riel a Criminal?

Louis Riel was a Métis political leader who led two resistance movements against the Canadian government. While he was tried and executed for treason, his actions were rooted in the defense of Métis rights and autonomy rather than criminal behavior. Riel is now recognized as a key figure in Canadian history for his advocacy of Métis rights.

Did Louis riel have any accomplishements?

He led all the metis to protest against the government to get there own rights Louis riel is a important Canadian hero.

What was Louis Riel daughter name?

Louis Riel's daughter's name was Jean-Louis Riel.

What was Louis Riel executed for?

Louis Riel was executed for high treason in 1885 following his involvement in leading the North-West Rebellion against the Canadian government. Riel was found guilty of leading an armed insurrection against the government and sentenced to death by hanging.

How did riel help the metis?

Because they were his people, he fought for their language and territory and freedom. His father was the former leader of the metis so louis took over.