I assume you are refering to the gender of the article. In a combined word the gender of the last word dominates. Die Fantasie.(feminin) Der Film.(masculine) Der Fantasie-Film. (Therefor masculine.)
Nauta (Genitive Nautae) is a masculine word in the first declension. When using adjectives, make sure to use the masculine gender even though this word "looks" feminine.
masculine un film (singular) - des films (plural) J'ai été voir un bon film hier au cinéma. J'ai vu de bons films dans ma vie.
je suis en colère is neither feminine nor masculine. It means 'I am angry'. The fact this is a boy - or a girl - speaking would not turn the phrase into masculine or feminine. Only nouns and the related adjectives have a gender in French, but not the sentences (even if there had been a noun in it)
La Finlande (feminine, singular name)
The Italian word cinema is masculine, not feminine, in gender.
It is masculine, so you would use the un or le in front of film. Example: I saw a movie. J'ai vu un film.
In French, the word "douce" is feminine. This can be determined by looking at the ending of the word, with the "e" at the end indicating it is feminine. In French, nouns and adjectives have gender, with feminine words typically ending in "e" and masculine words often ending in consonants.
La salade is feminine
The word "chaussures" is feminine in French.
it's a masculine word.
The word "universidad" is feminine in Spanish.
The word "disques" is masculine in French.
The word "pita" in French is feminine.
The word "cafeteria" in French is feminine.
Un ami is masculine, and une amie is feminine.
penguin is a masculine word and it is un manchot. there is no feminine form of that word because it is masculine.