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No because at the end victor locked up joy and kidnapped her

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Q: Is victor helping joy
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What is the episode of house of Anubis called when victor allowes them to talk to joy?

Victor allows Sibuna to talk to Joy in the 16th episode, House of Rendezvous/House of Rescue.

What did victor do to joy in the house of Anubis?

He doesn't kill Joy, Joy comes back to watch the school play on the episode the premieres on January 24th.

What happend to joy on house of Anubis?

i think she got kidnapped by victor

Who is that man that keeps following patricia on the show house of Anubis?

Patricia is a very determined girl ! Patricia keeps having these visions of a mysterious man ! This man is in fact victor as a young boy , Before he took joy ! When Victor first started working at Anubis house , joy was victors brothers friends daughter and joy has figured out every single secret from the house from her father ! Victor took joys dad and kid napped him ! As joy was very upset , she threatened victor that is he did not free her dad that she would spread the secrets of Anubis house ! One night when joy was in her bed she heard loud screams from her father ! She ran down to victor and told him that she would leave the house for good ! The mysterious man is victor also victor growing up, he has some how escaped from the cellar and is following patricia and he is trying to tell patricia where joy is ! Why has joy been removed from the school photo you may ask , well victor wants no one to even know about joy any more inncase more people try to investigate where she is ! It might sound weird but that is what excactly happens :)

What does Victor have to do with Joy's Disappearance in the house of Anubis?

Victor has EVERYTHING to do with it. On one Episode Nina Fabian and Amber go up to the attic and hear a recording from Sarah and Hear Victors voice. I think Joy is in the Attic or The Cellar

What has the author Victor B Chicoine written?

Victor B. Chicoine has written: 'Joy of discipline' -- subject(s): Mental discipline, Spiritual life

What were the names of Victor Matures's wives?

Victor Mature was married twice. His first wife was Frances Charles, and his second wife was Adrienne Joy Urwick.

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Is Joy dead or not in House Of Anubis?

Joy is not dead. If you go to and click on the House of Anubis picture, in the corner, it will show a video of the next episode. In it, Victor puts Sibuna on video chat with Joy. Patricia asks,"When are you coming back?" Joy replies,"I'm not."

What are the work conditions like as an emergency nurse?

Horrible hours, but the joy of helping in emergencies help you stay on task in one of the WORST JOBS I have ever had. Horrible hours, but the joy of helping in emergencies help you stay on task in one of the WORST JOBS I have ever had.

How much money does a special needs therapist earn in a year?

A lot you have the joy of helping someone! That is enough for me!

What is joy doing on the house of Anubis?

No, she is hit by a lightning by Nina (Senkhara had control over Nina) but Joy lives because Nina cried and the mask of Anubis gave tears of gold so Victor saves Joy by having her drink the Tears of Gold!