I personally do not think that this world is cruel. There are more opportunities than ever to be successful in this life.
The duration of Goodbye Cruel World - miniseries - is 3600.0 seconds.
the world is cruel. this is our punishment
The duration of Cruel But Necessary is 1.53 hours.
because he was cruel in real life
Cruel Intentions was released on 03/05/1999.
Cruel Cruel World was created on 2005-11-29.
Cruel Cruel World - 1914 was released on: USA: 10 October 1914
Cruel World was created in 1988.
A Cruel World was created on 2005-03-29.
Cruel Little World was created in 2006.
Welcome to the Cruel World was created on 1994-02-08.
Goodbye Cruel World - miniseries - ended in 1992-01.
The duration of Goodbye Cruel World - miniseries - is 3600.0 seconds.
Goodbye Cruel World - miniseries - was created on 1992-01-06.
Cruel World - 2005 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:MA USA:R
"Bonne nuit monde cruel" means "good night, cruel world" in English.