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; when someone asked her will there be a blue bloods movie this is what she said ;

; Will there be a Blue Bloods movie? Or TV show? And can I be in it? :

: RIght now the rights have been optioned, so hopefully the Blue Bloods will come to the big or small screen at some point. I have no say in anything whatsoever castingwise, but if there ever is an open call for auditions I will let you all know.

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15y ago
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16y ago

; when someone asked her will there be a blue bloods movie this is what she said ; ; Will there be a Blue Bloods movie? Or TV show? And can I be in it? : : RIght now the rights have been optioned, so hopefully the Blue Bloods will come to the big or small screen at some point. I have no say in anything whatsoever castingwise, but if there ever is an open call for auditions I will let you all know.

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15y ago

nope so far no talks of making a movie of blue bloods, but there is a mini trailer done in comic book style summarizing the first three novels of the blue bloods series look for it on YouTube.

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