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No they're not making any charmed movie

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Q: Is there going to be a Charmed movie?
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Why is there not going to be a charmed movie?

No, there is not going to be a Charmed movie.

When is the charmed movie?

Actuall there is going to be a Charmed Movie. It has been going around lately about the movie. There is actually a movie trailer alread out. It will come out in 2010 sometime. PLease check the link to see the Movie Trailer.

Is there going to be a season 9 of charmed or a movie?

i doubt it. it is finished

Who acted in the movie charmed?

There was no movie of Charmed.

Is there going to be a Charmed video game?

No, I do not believe that there is going to be a Charmed video game.

Is charmed coming out with a movie?

no, not that i know of. sorry, i wish they were. i love charmed

Is there going to be a charmed seaon 9?

No. Charmed ended with season 8.

Is there going to be another episode of charmed?

No, Charmed ended with season 8.

Why did one of the stars on charmed said a charmed movie will be coming out this fall?

Nobody ever mentioned there would be a movie.

Are they making charmed the movie?

There are no current plans to make a Charmed Movie. Fans however are campaigning to get one made similar to the way Veronica Mars is having a movie made. Joining facebook campaigns, tweeting and watching for crowdsource campaigns are probably going to be the driving force to get this made.

Will there be a charmed movie?

As far as I know... no!

Will there be a charmed movie with the return of pru?

I dont know for certain but i think that they are creating a special movie to complete the charmed seasons!! I am 75% postitive!