Like a Hole in the Head was created in 1970.
A Hole In The Head, 1959 starring Frank Sinatra.
Not normally - no. this of course excluding the normal God designed holes we call ears and Nose and Mouth and eye tear duct and if your the technical type; all the many tiny holes for sweat glands and such. But normally, a human does not have a hole in its head.
Answer: You need the three Regis in your party and go to Snowpoint Temple. You need the three Regis (Regirock, Rigice, Registeel) in your party, first of all. Then, head to Snowpoint City. North, there is Snowpoint Temple. Head inside and get to the bottom. Solve the ice puzzle and then 'talk' to it. You then can fight it. It is level 70 and it is Normal type. There is one and it is a Sinnoh pokemon.
It's probbly a costume. You just stikc your head thru the baby hole and the baby body is just an effect. that's why the bottom and wheels of the baby cart are covered so you don't see the legs bcuz they either stick their head thru the hole or use special effects.
Your temple is your head. Your head is the place where you brain is. Your brain is what controls your body.
To open the hole in the temple, you need to catch a Sandshrew or Sandslash. Then have them do a target clear on the sand hole to dig through it.
A Hole in the Head was created on 1959-07-15.
Head Like a Hole was created in 1989.
Hole in the Head was created on 2003-10-13.
A Hole in the Head was created on 1959-07-15.
Like a Hole in the Head was created in 1970.
Your temple.
Hole what god famed hole did he dig him self in head first
your nogin, head, or brain! :)
You have to get to the Gerudo's fortress then the haunted wasteland, after you head into desert collosus and then go into the spirit temple, you can't do anything so head out. Learn the Requiem of Spirit from Sheik then head back to the temple of time and turn into kid link. After head back and you'll meet Nabooru. After that head through the temple.