"Oh my gosh" would be slang. It is another way of saying "Oh my God," which many people find offensive and blasphemous. People have many phrases that mean the same thing, such as "oh my goodness," "for gosh sake," and "for Pete's sake."
daebak (big win or huge success) omona (oh my gosh)
The Amazing Race - 2001 I Covered His Mouth Oh My Gosh 10-5 was released on: USA: 15 October 2006 Australia: 3 January 2008 Hungary: 17 May 2008
i dont think there are any links for it. Sorry
oh my gosh is it terribly addictive i pity the person that gets addicted to this evil evil drug i beg of u not to get addicted its awful awful
Somebody whose native language is not American English. The expression is actually "oh MY gosh."
"Omona" is a Korean expression used to show surprise, shock, or disbelief. It is often used in a playful or teasing manner, similar to saying "Oh my gosh" or "Oh no" in English.
It's Oh My Gosh.
Oh My Gosh was created in 2005.
i don't know probably not he maybe says oh my gosh but not oh your gosh
"Oh my gosh!" "I can't believe it!"
"Oh my gosh" is an interjection, expressing surprise, shock, or excitement.
The abbreviation OMG means OH MY GOD, OH MY GOSH, or OH MY GOODNESS. OMG is an acronym that means oh my gosh or oh my god.
oh my gosh
It means wow, oh my gosh, golly gee whiz, oh my, ect. basically when you're surprized to hear something. And I think it's gee wilikers. : )
Oh no, oh my gosh
The answers is...oh gosh... The answers is...oh gosh... How am I suppot to know? Do I know what the dude ment by oh gosh...beats me. But I think that they would live near it so that they could drink