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No it is not animated.

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Q: Is the new movie Hugo animated?
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Is the new movie Avatar animated?

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Is a new Disney animated movie being made now?

in 2009 Disney is releasing a new 2d cell animated movie called The Princess and the Frog.

Who plays Hugo in the movie Hugo?

Asa Butterfield plays Hugo in the 2011 movie Hugo.

What are the ratings and certificates for Cheech and Chong's Animated Movie - 2013?

Cheech and Chong's Animated Movie - 2013 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:MA15+ New Zealand:R16 USA:R

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Terminator 3 is not an animated movie.

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The animated movie that is based on places is Planes.

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No, the animated movie, Faeries is not much like the animated movie, Phantom Tollbooth.

Does it cost more to make an animated movie or a not animated movie?

Depends on what genre. I think animated movies cost more

What animated feature film has a Purple hippopotamus in it?

I'm not certain, could be "Hugo the Hippo"

How much does a animated movie cost?

An animated movie costs about $5-$15 dollars

Was there an animated movie about finding new earth?

You might be thinking of 2000's Titan A.E.