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Yes.It is an Easter egg by gamefreak along with the butler ghost in old chateau.


Notice that when she walks she does not use her legs. BUM BUM BUM BAH!!! I can't find the ghost butler I WANT TO! :(

the old butler dude is just ahead when you get in. note, though, that when he walks, he doesnt use legs, also, and you don't actually see him go through the wall. nor is there an item. if there was a point in the girl, then that would make this more interesting, or if you chased the butler, he would eventually serve you goods at a cheap price, if only!

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Inside the Old chateau is Rotin, A legendary. Rotin appears at LVL 15 in Pearl/Diamond, 20 In Platinum. When you go inside the Old Chateau, Go up the Left Staircase & Enter the Door On You're right, Or the middle of the room. Then go to the First door on you're Left. This should Have a TV in it. Click the TV, And Rotin will appear. (note- Rotin will only appear between the times Of 8pm & 4am)

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Q: Is the girl in the Old Chateau in Diamond a ghost?
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What is the girl doing in the old chateau?

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There are two ghosts in the Old Chateau. The first ghost is the butler that can be found in the dining hall, and the second ghost is the little girl in the bedroom on the far right on the second floor.

In Pokemon platinum who is the girl in the old chateau?

A ghost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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They're no one. The girl and the legless guy... irrelevant. Just to be scary.

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The old chateau is in diamond and pearl

What is the old man doing in old chateau in Pokemon pearl?

he is a ghost along with a girl and an old woman who have apperently died

Why are there ghosts in the Old Chateau?

Ghosts are probably in the Old Chateau because that is one of the only places to catch them in Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum. Also, the Old Chateau is abandoned which explains why ghosts have taken up its residence. ~KKMG1

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there is no one in the old chateau you may have seen the ghost of a person

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How do you find the girl in the old chateau?

You don't. She's just some girl put in the game that's supposed to be like a ghost.