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No. A Cabinet Minister is one of the (currently 39) Ministers of the Crown who are members of the Cabinet, a committee responsible for government policy chaired by the Prime Minister. Sometimes (though not currently) a Prime Minister will designate a Deputy Prime Minister, though the position is largely honorary and doesn't imply succession. There are also Deputy Ministers, but these are members of the civil service, not politicians.

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Q: Is the cabinet minister the same as the deputy leader in Canada?
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Who chooses a leader in Canada?

The Prime Minister chooses the cabinet in Canada.

Who is the second in command if something happens to the Prime Minister of Canada?

The Deputy Prime Minister. No, that is strictly an honorary position named at the Prime Minister's discretion. First coined by Trudeau. As of March 2011 there IS no Deputy Prime Minister The Governor General consults the Cabinet and immediatly appoints a temporary leader until the majority party can elect a new leader of their party.

What is the deputy prime minister's role?

The duties of the Deputy Prime Minister are to act on behalf of the Prime Minister in his or her absence overseas or on leave. The Deputy Prime Minister has always been a member of the Cabinet and has always held at least one substantive portfolio. (It would be technically possible for a minister to hold only the portfolio of Deputy Prime Minister, but this has never happened.) If the Prime Minister were to die, become incapacitated or resign, the Governor- General would normally appoint the Deputy Prime Minister as Prime Minister. If the governing or majority party had not yet elected a new leader, that appointment would be on an interim basis. Should a different leader emerge, that person would then be appointed Prime Minister.

Who is the deputy prime minister of Queensland?

Queensland does not have either a prime minister or a deputy prime minister. The prime minister is the leader of the federal government for the entire country of Australia. As a state of Australia, the leader of the government of Queensland is the premier. in 2013, the deputy premier of Queensland is Jeff Seeney.

Who was John Smith's Deputy Prime Minister?

John Smith was never Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, therefore did not appoint a Deputy Prime Minister. Margaret Beckett was his deputy as Leader of the Labour Party.

Who is the deputy leader of the conservative party of Canada?

William Hague

What is the leader of Canada called?

Yes, the leader of Canada is a Prime Minister.

Who is 2nd in command in United Kingdom?

The deputy Prime Minister carries on the duties of the Prime Minister if it seems that the PM will return to office (if the PM is ill etc..). If the PM dies then the Queen will invite someone to become Prime Minister according to convention. Not correct. The Deputy Prime Minister has no real power and is honorary. In fact as of March 2011 there isn't one. If the PM is out of country or incapacitated, no decisions are made until his return. If he dies, the Governor General will consult the Cabinet and appoint a temporary leader until the ruling party appoints a new leader.

What is the leader of the Canada?

prime minister

Who is the deputy leader of the northern Ireland assembly?

Martin Mc Guinness is the deputy first minister and he is of the Sinn Fein party

What is a prime minister of Canada is what?

The prime minister of Canada is relatively equal to the Presidant of the US, he is techincally the leader of Canada.

Who is new Zealand's deputy prime minister?

Bill English (born 1961) is the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance. He and Prime Minister John Key were elected in 2008. English was the leader of the National Party briefly from 2001 to 2002.