yes because the questers reached the Sparticle project and did it but Kat send the adults back because Reece nearly died of the power but doomsday Dora gave Liam the key to the quantum portal to reline the words between the kids and adults
By: Fatima tahari
Yes AFV is making new episodes. You can watch them on CTV.
I have from a reliable source that Animal Planet is not going to continue making episodes, since there weren't new viewers from season 2.
No, there are no new episodes of inuyasha. There is more manga chapters after the episodes. The 2nd 3rd and 4th movie pick up where the episodes left off. But I don't believe there are more episodes in the making. No, there are no new episodes of inuyasha. There is more manga chapters after the episodes. The 2nd 3rd and 4th movie pick up where the episodes left off. But I don't believe there are more episodes in the making.
If you are talking about Naruto Shippuuden Episodes in English then they are available upto Episode no 43.
i dont think so
no they aren't making more because they didn't have enough money to continue, nor did the actors have any time for it
They stopped Ned's declassified because there was probably not enough money to continue the show.
Yes. they are going to keep making English episodes because they still haven't finished the oringinal storyline and after that the have to translate and air Naruto shippuden.
They did not! They are still making episodes of the show!
Yes, as of 2011 they are still making Bleach episodes.
The show is still airing. It didn't end. They're still making new episodes.
Yes AFV is making new episodes. You can watch them on CTV.
I have from a reliable source that Animal Planet is not going to continue making episodes, since there weren't new viewers from season 2.
No, there are no new episodes of inuyasha. There is more manga chapters after the episodes. The 2nd 3rd and 4th movie pick up where the episodes left off. But I don't believe there are more episodes in the making. No, there are no new episodes of inuyasha. There is more manga chapters after the episodes. The 2nd 3rd and 4th movie pick up where the episodes left off. But I don't believe there are more episodes in the making.
Tom who?
There was a rumor that Toei Animation (the creators) was offering refurbished episodes of Sailor Moon, and that it would come back to the United States. Supposedly it's showing in a few other countries and if it does good it'll will start showing in more countries. I hope this helped. :)
After The Movie Hannah Montana i don't think they will be making more episodes of Hannah Montana.