Ballas are based off of the Grape Street Crips, as they were one of the first gangs to begin selling crack in Los Angeles. The game makes references to real life crip sets, such as rolling heights , based from rolling 60s crips.
I don't know about the Ghetto Boys being Bloods or Crips or in any gang at all, the only rappers I know that are in gangs are......
2Pac(M.O.B. Piru)
Waka Flocka(Elm Street Piru)
Snoop Dogg(East Side Long Beach Rollin 20's Crip)
Wiz Khalifa(East Side Long Beach Rollin 20's Crip)
Jeezy(East Side Long Beach Rollin 20's Crip)
Tyga(5 Deuce Hoover Gangster Crip)
Lil Scrappy(Gangster Disciple Nation)
Big Pun(Almighty Latin King & Queen Nation)
Fat Joe(Almighty Latin King & Queen Nation)
Twista(4 Corner Hustler Vice Lord)
Bo Deal(Mafia Insane Vice Lord)
The Crip Alliance was created by the Crips gang in Los Angeles, Cali in 1969. The Crip Alliance are rivals of gangs under the Blood Alliance, such as the Bloods gang, Pirus gang, and the Brims gang. SIDE NOTES: Gangs in the Crip Alliance wear the color blue. the Crips gang is NOT in the Folk Nation, they are in the Crip Alliance.
I am a Tongan (from Kingdom of Tonga), and there are Tongan gang in Salt Lake City, Utah and surrounding areas in California but there are many different set of gangs. They're all Crip affiliated and FOE (Family Over everything) gang is a set. This may not be the Foe you seen before though.
Yes, girls are allowed in the Crips gang, the female Crip members are called Criplettes.
Not only is Omarion NOT a Crip but he's NOT a gang banger in general, this is the same dude that was in a girlyboy banned (B2K) back in the day real Crips would not accept this dude in their set.
Crips are a gang that started in Los Angeles Cali in the 1960's. Their founders are Raymond Washington & Stanley ''Tookie'' Williams. *So the Motherland or ''Crip City'' is Los Angeles California. But u can be a real Crip outside of Cali u just have to have a Cali connect to real Crips from Cali.
I don’t know how late I am, but the families are crips, ballas are blood and i assume that vagos is ms-13
tyga is a crip.
357 pamona crip gang
spm is most certainly a blood
Yes both, a blood at heart in a crippled body.
Blood. Also b dog there can be crip
Rick Ross doesn't claim Blood or Crip. He's not in any gang.
David Banner isn't a Blood or a Crip, he doesn't gang bang at all.
He a blood but I don't know wat set he from
he is a part of the aryan brother hood nation
he was not in a gang but he created himself a name gang called (bvf stands for badvibesforever😁
No, Game still a BLOOD