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Yes. The volcano has had numerous eruptions, though only two were massive caldera-forming events. Most future eruptions will probably be much smaller, though could still cause a significant disruption locally, if not regionally.

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Q: Is taupo a supervolcano
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Is lake taupo an effusive volcano?

No. Lake Taupo is in the caldera of a highly explosive supervolcano.

Where do you go in new zealand to swim a caldera?

You can go to Lake Taupo, a lake which fills two calderas formed by a supervolcano.

When did Lake Taupo from?

Lake Taupo, or the depression it formed in, formed about 26,500 years ago as as a result of the eruption of a supervolcano. The eruption drained much of the magma chamber beneath the area, causing the ground to collapse into the space left behind, forming a caldera.

How did lake taupo become a lake?

Lake Taupo is volcanic in origin. Aorund 26,500 years ago the Taupo Volcano, which is a supervolcano, unleashed an eruption far larger than any seen in recorded history.The eruption drained a vast quantity of molten rock from the magma chamber below, causing the ground to collapse into a depression called a caldera. Water from rivers in the area then filled the depression, forming a lake.

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When was Taupo created?

Taupo was created in 1869.

Is Taupo a city in New Zealand?

No Taupo is a town.

Why is lake taupo called lake taupo?

Apparently the first person to discover it was called Tia and Taupo is an abbrevitation of Taupo-Nui-a-Tia, aka The Great Cloak of Tia!

Is mt taupo dormant or active or extinct?

Mt Taupo is a dormant volcanoe

Is Supervolcano a word?

Yes. In fact, Yellowstone National Park is a supervolcano.

When will the supervolcano erupt?

Scientists have no idea what the precursors (or warning signs) are of an impending supervolcanic eruption, and thus have no idea when the next supervolcano will erupt. The last two supermassive eruptions (Taupo and Tambora) occurred long, long ago (24000 and 72000 years ago), and we have no knowledge of what happened leading up to the eruptions (such as increased earthquake activity or patterns). The last three eruptions of the Yellowstone supervolcano have occurred at roughly 600,000-700,000 year intervals, and the last one took place ~640,000 years ago. It could happen soon, or not for tens of thousands of years or more.

Is lake taupo a caldera?

Yes, Lake Taupo is a volcano.