No, it isn't. Level it to 100, give it Wonderguard since Spiritomb doesn't have a supereffective weakness, a Lum Berry just in case of a Darkrai's certain move, use action replay to teach it any TM/HM, and you'll have an invincible legendary looking pokemon that you can use in Wi-Fi Battles.
There is no Pokemon called "wondertomb" it's called spirtomb go for code
The Legendary Reaper, also referred to as Legendary Death is The Undertaker.
The first legendary you get in platinum is Giratina!!..
Legendary - film - was created on 2010-09-10.
try your best to find spirtomb in Pokemon platinum
It is at Lv. 50
at the relic castle
Spirtomb can't learn shadow force at anytime.Answer:I believe Spirtomb learns shadow force around level 55!
No, it can't.
There is one trainer, and it is one of the Elite Four.
Pokemon like snorlax spirtomb
Probobly a bug type move so id say Silver Wind or some bug type move spirtomb has no known weaknesses because he is ghost and dark he is like sableye but in sinnoh
Is one but you wont get it.Only for action replay card.
Same thing you do in Diamond and Pearl, talk to 32 people underground.
You can find Spirtomb in the Hallowed Tower on route 209.