Sonic and Amy first meet in the animated series "Sonic the Hedgehog" in the episode titled "Lovesick Sonic," which is the sixth episode of the first season. In this episode, Amy becomes infatuated with Sonic and tries to win his affection, leading to various comedic situations. Their meeting marks the beginning of their friendship and sets the stage for their adventures together throughout the series.
Sonic has been in four cartoons: Sonic The Hedgehog The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog Sonic Underground Sonic X He has also been in one film, Sonic The Hedgehog The Movie.
Sonic X's first season sports an original storyline, and the second is mostly based on the Sonic Adventure games and Sonic Battle. Sonic X doesn't follow the story of Sonic Advance games, though it does feature Cream and Cheese from the Sonic Advance series.
yes in the episode sonic babies
Sonic saved Amy from Eggman and Metal Sonic. He jumped off Eggman's Death Egg and brought her with him. Amy was covering her eyes and when they got down Sonic ran.Ever since Amy has LOVED:) Sonic.
in sonic x you can find it write sonic x episode 18.
he is 16
He is 18 and he turned 18 on the 23rd of July.
No you have to be 18 and up
Sonic Underground - 1999 Friend or Foe 1-18 was released on: USA: 18 January 2000
18 i think.
November 18 or 19
November 18, 2008
Sonic Unleashed Will Come out around Thanks Giving. it comes out tomorrow the 18 of November
Sonic the Hedgehog - 1993 was released on: USA: 18 September 1993