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Truth goes deeper than fact. Truth can transcend both fiction and fact. Fiction can express truth as effectively as fact and sometimes better.

For example. a great novel such as Silas Marner can reveal truths about the human heart that are rarely found in nonfiction writings.

However, the story in a novel or work of fiction is not something that really happened, or it did not happen in the way it is told in the story. It is not true in that sense.

Nonfiction writing is true in the sense that it represents facts, or is purported and believed to represent them; but you can gather many facts together and still not have a true picture, and you can present facts in an interpretation that distorts them or even makes them completely false in their effect. The newspaper, for example, is presumed to present facts objectively; but the simple act of being selective in which facts to include can change the way a story is understood, and the language that a reporter chooses in presenting those facts greatly influences the way it is received. Consider, for example, the phrase "freedom fighters." Suppose instead the writer referred to those same rebels as "outlaw insurrectionists." How does that change the impression given to the reader?

Choice of language reflects a point of view and expresses an opinion unless the writer takes great care to keep it neutral. And--is a completely neutral, noncommittal recital of facts really more true than writing that reveals the heart of the writer?

This is a big question and not one that is easily answered. You can't draw a line and say that fiction is on one side of it and truth is on the other, or that fiction is on one side and fact is on the other and that truth is on both sides. You can have both fact and fiction that lack any truth. They are different qualities, just as color and shape are different qualities.

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17y ago
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16y ago

Well this is true for the most part, because what we as beings create with our minds is reality. Whether you're aware of it of not. It exists in some other realm, fabric of time-space. (Whatever you may call it) The ability to imagine is in fact our gateway to other existences that are still not yet to be conceived in the average human psyche. Therefore since a vast proportion of the inhabitants of this sphere have intentionally dulled their intuitive consciousness through pursuit of impure motives (the intentions are pure but the endeavor is tainted by lust; monetary gains, propagating for the mere purpose of preserving their D.N.A., etc. etc.) the fabric of reality e.g. your consciousness systemically creates your pitfalls and shortcomings for the "circumstantial" position in which you sought. The only true way to escape the toil of fictitious prevalence is simply to face obscurity and conquer. This satellite is yours. Do what makes you content and practice it joyfully and with love.

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11y ago

Most fiction reflects reality. In every genre, writers strive to depict authentic human feelings and reactions, even in works of fantasy featuring beings that have never existed. In most cases, stories and novels are representational, that is, they provide realistic if nonactual descriptions of people, places and events. For example, the events in Moby Dick, by Herman Melville, never took place, but they certainly could have. Fiction is often referred to as "the lie that tells the truth," meaning that while the details in a book are from the writer's imagination, the information about life, nature and the human condition reflects the real world.

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15y ago

reality is merely a cheap imitation of the real reality. mostly, the 'reality' that we live in is created by more powerful people than we are. much like in The Matrix.

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9y ago

Science Fiction is fiction based on science and technology.

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Science fiction is fiction that is based on science and technology

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