Well I think it is safe as it has a add on TV and if it was unsafe it would have been shut down by now.
With the new movie, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, it seems to be available just about everywhere for sale.
The duration of Planet Earth - TV series - is 3000.0 seconds.
There was no Planet of the Apes TV show in 1968. It was a movie in 1968, and the lady ape was named Zira. There was a 1974 live action television series. 'Kira' was played by Jacqueline Scott. There was also a 1975 animated television series. 'Dr. Zira' was voiced by Philippa Harris.
Ferocious Planet - 2011 TV is rated/received certificates of: Australia:MA15+ Singapore:NC-16
Earth Making of a Planet - 2011 TV was released on: USA: 6 March 2011
The Planet of the Apes TV show is available on iTunes and Amazon.
If you mean does it give you viruses then, no it is safe.
With the new movie, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, it seems to be available just about everywhere for sale.
depends on the one you get
if u don't know how then don't even bother
No, it isn't I had one and someone hacked me and took my membership;/ it is not safe for children at all!
no, i used it for about 3 weeks, very reliable. Downloads are VERY slow though.
by watching educated movie like national geography and animal planet, some kind like it?
Charin is a fictional planet in the science fiction universe of a book, television show, or movie. Its characteristics and details would depend on the specific work of fiction in which it appears.
You make your video (Obviously) Then you put it on Youtube xx Finally Send The Video To MSP xx
No, there is no known planet named Darwin 4. The name Darwin 4 might have come from the fictional planet featured in the book and movie "Alien Planet" based on a speculative evolution of extraterrestrial life on a planet referred to as Darwin IV.