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It is unclear what his ethnic background is. He has been purposely evasive when asked direct questions about his race so one might never know the truth

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Q: Is mark salling of glee black?
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Mark Salling plays Noah in Glee

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Who plays puck in glee?

Mark Salling plays Puck.

Where does mark salling live?

Mark lives in Dallas Texas as seen in US: glee

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Puck (Mark Salling), Sam (Chord Overstreet), and Artie (Kevin Mchale) sang Rebecca Black's Friday in the Prom episode of Glee.

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Mark Salling plays Noah Puckerman.

When did Mark Salling Start Glee?

He was in the first episode of the first season and has made regular appearances since

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The father of Quinn's baby was Puck, played by Mark Salling, in the TV show "Glee".

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No she is not.. in fact she is dating the writer from glee Matthew Hodgson and has had a romantic little fling with her co-star Mark Salling (puck)

Is it really Mark Salling singing Sweet Caroline on the Glee episode mash up or is it a Neil Diamond voice over?

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