C=QV it doesnt depend on size.
hy is Jane Rudolph Treacey leaving QV?
One way to answer this question is from first principles. Letq = a + bi + cj + dkandv = e + fi + gj + hkThen,qv= ae - bf - cg - dh+ i(af + be + ch - dg)+ j(ag - bh + ce + df)+ k(ah + bg - cf + de)= ae - bf - cg - dh + afi + bei + agj +cej + ahk + dek+ i(ch - dg)+ j(df - bh)+ k(bg - cf)and (keeping in mind that reals commute under multiplication)vq= ae - bf - cg - dh+ i(af + be - ch + dg)+ j(ag + bh + ce - df)+ k(ah - bg + cf + de)= ae - bf - cg - dh + afi + bei + agj + cej + ahk + dek- i(ch-dg)- j(df-bh)- k(bg-cf)Let m = ae - bf - cg - dh + afi + bei + agj +cej + ahk + dek and n = i(ch - dg) + j(df - bh) + k(bg - cf). Then,qv = m + nandvq = m - n.For qv to equal vq, we must have n = 0. For n to equal zero, each of its parts must equal zero also, that is,ch = dgdf = bhbg = cfso that eitherc/g = d/hd/h = b/fb/f = c/gi.e. (bi + cj + dk) is a multiple (not necessarily integer) of (fi + gj + hk)orb = 0, c = 0, d = 0,orf = 0, g = 0, h = 0.Therefore, the nonreal part of v must be a multiple (possibly zero) of the nonreal part of q. More concisely, quaternions q and v commute under multiplication if and only ifv = pq + rwhere p and r are real.A neater proof, requiring more background, can also be given.Quaternions are often regarded as the combination of a scalar part (the real part of the quaternion) and the vector part (the part containing i, j, and k.) That is, the quaternion a + bi + cj + dk corresponds to the combination of the scalar a and the vector . Now, let q = a + b and v = c + d (a being the scalar part of q and b the vector part, and similarly for v). Then, the product qv is given byqv = ac + ad + bc - b·d + b×d.In the product qv, the order of the factors in each of these five products is reversed. That is, the product is nowvq = ca + da + cb - d·b + d×b.The first four products commute, whereas the last (a cross product) does not. Therefore,vq = ac + ad + bc - b·d + d×b.so that qv = vq if and only if b×d = d×b. It is known that the cross product is anticommutative, meaning that b×d = -d×b. Therefore, this condition reduces to b×d = θ, the zero vector, meaning that one is a scalar multiple of the other (i.e. they lie along the same line.) This gives the same result as the purely algebraic derivation above.
1888. French inventor Louis Augustin Le Prince developed a single-lens camera which he used to make the very first moving picture sequences, by moving the film through a camera's sprocket wheels by grabbing the film's perforations.
In literature, "qv" is an abbreviation for the Latin word "quod vide," which translates to "which see." It is typically used in references to direct the reader to another part of the text for further information or clarification on a specific topic.
I am having the same problem. I know I once had a cable and software, but can't find it. I have researched the Casio site and found the software for the QV-10A and QV-11 for sale. They also list Cable #SB-155 as a PC connection for the QV-10A, but there is no price and the picture is too small and at such an angle that you can't see the connection. Now I need to find where I can buy the cable. If anyone finds it available anywhere, please post the site. Thanks. Mema of 8
well, i dont know--ajay
C=QV it doesnt depend on size.
Nicola Paone went by The Italian 'Bing Crosby' (qv)..
Maurizio Nichetti goes by The Italian 'Woody Allen' (qv).
hy is Jane Rudolph Treacey leaving QV?
Essentially yes. Where there is electric energy there is magnetic energy.Electric Energy E= QV = IW where Q is charge and V is volts and I is current and W is Webers. QV is electric energy and IW is magnetic Energy.
Cactus Jam in QV and MARCS in Melbourne central.
Lucius Beebe went by Luscious (per 'Libby Holman' (qv)).
clearwater beach florida
Reggie Bush goes by The President (after 'George W. Bush' (qv) ).