As per new circumstances, Jheer cast belongs to general casts. They are also known as Kashyap Rajput/Mehra. They follow Sikh/Hindu religion. Surnames like Sangha, Udehan, Sansoya are also well known Jheer/Mehras.
No. KOHLI belongs to khatri caste or the business caste . Khatri caste is a business caste among Punjabis. Most of khatri people have shops and are in business . However, "KOLI" caste is a schedule caste among Punjabis.
No virdi or birdi is not scheduled cast Birdi surname belongs to Ramgarhia
are badge surname which caste
schedule caste (mala) SC
Total -79 constituencies for Schedule Caste and 41 for Schedule Tribe.....
mehra caste belongs to jheer caste. the jheer caste are the original water drawers from the wells for all the families in India. any jheer caste interested in association please email me on
no..mehra cast is a general cast
No tha chauhan caste is not schedule cast
no duggals are not schedule cast
No they are not schedule cast but they are Kayasth an upper cast
I am bhatti and I am from schedule cast so answer is yes bhatti are also in schedule casts
I am bhatti and I am from schedule cast so answer is yes bhatti are also in schedule casts
1s maurya caste a schedule caste?
Basit caste is not schedule caste, so to remove its identity as schedule caste they are now called vashisht rajput.
no schedule caste & general caste
Kasyap Rajput is not a scheduled caste. It is a high caste.
Yes, chauhan can belong to schedule caste . I have seen many such chauhans who come under schedule caste.