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Q: Is it true that a child dies every three seconds?
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Related questions

How many seconds does a child die?

Every 7 seconds a child dies.

What happens every 10 seconds?

a child dies

How often does someone die in the world?

A person in the world dies every 5 seconds and every 2 seconds a child is born

What happens every 3 seconds across the world?

A child dies from poverty related illness somewhere in the world. Apple also sells one ipad every three seconds. Different worlds in one.

How many people die in Africa every day?

1 child dies every 3 seconds. 30,000 African children under the age of 5 die every day. Malaria kills 3,000 African children every day.

How many children die of dirty water every year?

A child dies every 17 seconds in a day. Over 1 billion die every year.

How many deaths on drug abuse a week?

It is said every 6 seconds sombody dies because of it, yet look at the bright side, every 8 seconds a new child is born in America!

How many children die from drinking dirty water every minute?

A child dies every 17 seconds in a day. Over 1 billion die every year.

How many die from child poverty?

Every seven sedond a person/ child dies in Africa from poverty .... evry seven seconds..... help them please .... so what are you waitinmg for?????

What is a good short speech?

it depends on what sort of speech it is but i like to use facts. e.g. every 3 seconds a child is born every 3 seconds a child goes missing every 3 seconds a bird dies but most importantly every 3 seconds i think about you, Finlay from TCSC@T! i used this at my wedding and it worked perfectly!if u know what TCSC@T means i'll be impressed

Why is the US is the only developed country whose population is growing at a rapid rate?

Net immigration and simply births exceeding deaths. A child is born every 7 seconds, a person dies every 13 seconds (approximately of course)

Does a person dies every 7 seconds?

no that's B.S