you've got to either battle wormadam at route 214 or catch burmy at a honey tree and evolve it. for mothim, a trainer at 2f on lost tower will battle you with it, or evolve it from burmy. male burmy=mothim female burmy=wormadam please note this is for platinum only. the honey tree trick will work in diamond, though! :)
Number 45 *cough*BURMY*cough* can be caught by slathering honey on honey trees (please don't ask me which: I have no clue)
Honey trees:)) or trade with a friend
Burmy can be found by slathering a golden tree with honey. Return to it in a few hours and if it is shaking, walk up to it, facing it and then press A. You will be engaged in a battle with a wild Pokemon, which will hopefully be Burmy. If not, repeat and retry.
no on where it last battled
some trainers in Eterna City have a Burmy. You can get Burmy by putting honey on a tree, then burmy will eventually go to a tree, and when you go back to the tree, it will be shaking. Burmy isn't the only one that goes to the honey on trees, but that is one way to get it
By putting honey on honey trees then wait for them to shake.
First, buy some honey up to 10 lots of it, slather it on the honey trees, and there will be either, Combee, Pachirisu,Buizel,Manaphee(if your in top form, and your wanted one BURMY!! Thats where i found my Burmy!!!
number 46 is wormadam burmy evolution and u get it by evoling burmy. you get burmy by putting honey on a gold tree and wit a few hours. go back and there shuld be a burmy.
you cannot get wormadam or mothim in diamond without getting a burmy by putting honey on the tree and evloving it only male burmy's evlove into mothim and depending on where your burmy evolves it can turn into three different kind of wormadam mountin city and forest.
45 is Burmy and you can get it by putting honey onto a honey tree.
You find Burmy by spreading honey on a honey tree.
if your luky by putting honey on a tree in either rt 214 or 216 or trade hope tht helps
Burmy can be found on honey trees.
You find burmy in sweet honey trees where you can slather the honey.
Get a burmy by putting Honey on trees and checking it out after a day.Evolve it to wormadam then.You can get Honey after you defeat the grunts at the place above flaoroma town, and a man sells you honey.
you can catch burmy from slathering honey on a tree.