You can't say "At the Weekend", it's not proper english. You can say "on the weekend" if you mean, for example, "we can't go to Disneyland today, but maybe on the weekend we can."
"Happy weekend, everyone!"
Weekend At Bernie's
Weekend In Wallop was created in 1984.
The Osterman Weekend was created in 1972.
there is no long weekend in April in USA
We do not use "at" with days. We say "on the weekend" or "for the weekend." Go picnic on the weekend.
Personally, 'this weekend' refers to the closest upcoming weekend. As in if it's Wednesday, this weekend would start in a few days. Next weekend refers to the upcoming week, as in after the closest weekend.
"Happy weekend, everyone!"
In French, "weekend" is considered masculine: le weekend.
Yes, if you have a custody agreement for the third weekend of the month, the 15th of March is the 3 rd weekend.
le weekend
Out on the Weekend was created in 1972.
Weekend At Bernie's
If your talking about two weekends from now its next weekend
There are 7 days in a week which include 2 days in the weekend. The weekend includes Saturday and Sunday.