Well, I can't speak for his family but you can tell on the show how he feels about Hawaiians, Blacks, Asians, etc.
Captain Geoffrey T. Spaulding (Groucho Marx) sang the Bert Kalmar and Harry Ruby song "Hello I must be going"
It is a derogatory slur for a gay person.
yes, deandre brackensick is bi- racial
Racial Inequality isn't something new, Historical contexthave shown that the issue of racil ineuqlity has been brought up since the colonization. Racial Inequality is the unequal treatment of minority...
Yes, racial slur is a crime in Washington D.C.
The conductor told the bass section that it was very important that they learned to slur their notes.
The racial slur cost him his job.He was so drunk that he began to slur his words.Be careful not to accidentally make a discriminative slur at the meeting today.
Answer this question… Demetrio, who asks if someone is O.K. after he or she has been subject to a racial slur
He was offended by the racial slur used against him.
U. S. Representative from Colorado Douglas Lamborn. And yes it is most certainly a racial slur.
A racial slur referring to Arab people
The term is an offensive racial slur.
welll nooooo
It can be, but generally it is accompanied by another slur to make it a racial slur or with a cuss word, for example :fu**ing cotton pickers, or "cotton pickin ni**er"... i am only using those examples so you can get a clear idea of what a racial slur involving the phrase "cotton picker" would be like, not to offend or degrade anyone.
It is a slur of a common racial slur. Some young people use this spelling to get around word filters. They use it for both "bonding" uses of the word and to express racial hatred.