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The word 'fallacy', pronounced 'fal-uss-ee', ('-al-' as in gal) isn't a bad word, in the sense of being offensive or rude. It means a false idea or belief.

Perhaps you are thinking of the word 'phallus', meaning an image, or representation, of a penis, or a penis itself? 'Phallus' is pronounced 'fal-uss', so it sounds similar to 'fallacy'; it isn't a bad word, either.

The noun 'fallacy' came into English in the fifteenth century, from a Latin form describing deception; it has some variations in meaning:


An argument, or a statement, based on a mistaken belief which makes the entire argument, or statement, false;

An error in reasoning which makes an argument false;

A misconception which is the result of faulty reasoning;

A factoid; a false belief, idea, or theory, that many people believe to be true simply because so many people have come to believe it is true; for example: 'The notion that anyone can catch a cold simply from being in the rain is a fallacy; a factoid.'

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The adjective form of the word 'fallacy' is fallacious.

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The origin of the word fallacy dates back to 1350-1400. The word fallacy means deceptive or misleading. As a simple example, when one says the world is flat it is a complete fallacy.

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The root word of fallacy is the Latin word "fallacia," which means deceit or deception.

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A logical fallacy is, roughly speaking, an error of reasoning. When someone adopts a position, or tries to persuade someone else to adopt a position, based on a bad piece of reasoning, they commit a fallacy

Fallacious in a sentence?

The word fallacy is similar to the word "fallible" which means that something or someone is wrong. Fallacy is just the state of being wrong so to speak. Googling fallacy shows that it is a false idea or argument that isn't valid.The fallacy of the argument lay in its very idea that trains would one day fly.Not the best sentence maybe, but the best that I can come up with off the top of my head.The opposite of fallacy is actuality but sometimes it's hard to tell which is which.

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