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Avatar was written by James Cameron and is not based on any story. James Cameron has said that it has some similarities to The Emerald Forest and At Play in the Fields of the Lord, and that there is a connection to the film Dances With Wolves.

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13y ago

No. Dances with Wolves was produced in 1990. Its about a man who joins an Indian tribe after he is sent to man an outpost on the frontier.

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What movie has avatar been criticized for being exactly like?

It has been compared to Dances With Wolves.

How do you say dances with wolves in Sioux like the movie did in closing sccene?

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What is the theme of the movie Dances with Wolves?

Well there's the obvious like racism (Indian vs Whites), love/friendship (Dumbar with the Sioux) or loyalty/betrayal (Dumbar loyal to the Union, then betraying them). But I'm using 'Dances With Wolves' in an advanced English Essay on discovery. It has historical, social/cultural and personal discovery themes.

What is the moral lesson in dances with wolves?

The moral lesson in Dances With Wolves had been not to judge people to hastily. Like how Wind In His Hair had judged Lt. Dunbar or how Lt. Dunbar had judged the Comanche people before he had met them!

What is an avatar in a game?

in the avatar game the avatar is a blue creature like a human but not and is on an avatar planet but avatar the game comes from a movie and that is all about an avatar in the game.

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Which avatar theres a lot of them in the movie "specific character" ?

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Why people like avatar movie?

Because it has good effects

Is there real fire benders like on the last avatar?

no, i don't think so because avatar is a fictional movie.

What is jennywooz favorite movie?

JennyWooz's favorite movie is Avatar. Do you like avatars, too? Same here.

What is jennywooz favourite movie?

Her fav movie is avatar unlike me and fav book is Harry potter like me

Is the live action movie of avatar going to be just like the book?

not exalte