The religion divides people into four types, the priestly caste, the warrior caste, the merchant caste, and the worker caste.
The caste system
people into classes of society.
that has little to no social mobility
20000 bce
How did the development of the Caste System affect society in India
the caste system of the aryans society was created or originated by hinduismsthe caste system of the aryans society was created or originated by hinduisms
It helped with the caste system so the caste system was highly used in society spearating groups a lot.
A society in which marriage between classes is prohibited by law or custom is based on a caste system.
The Caste system
The religion divides people into four types, the priestly caste, the warrior caste, the merchant caste, and the worker caste.
The caste system
by giving it five caste brahmin kasaytriyas shudrahs vasiyas
visit wikipedia
It's time to eliminate caste from society. Few steps to eliminate caste system from society; 1. Ban the use of Surname at any level, as it allow grouping. 2. Ban on caste certificate; manage to provide benefits presently based on caste, to every India. This is the caste system which not allows developing a person and felt need of caste benefits. 3. Every Indian should be treated as invaluable assets with unique ID 4. Allow free education for all; improve education system, which help in eliminating caste system. 5. Eliminate corruption from society by the using Information Technology, it help to generate fund to implement above steps. As caste system have a deep root in society, it will take some time to eliminate from society, I am 100% sure these steps erase caste systems totally from society. It allow human mind able to work without any pressure, consequently contribute a lots in developing India.
Caste system was created by Hinduism to better organize Society. Caste system was made to sustain the society & create ideal colony.
Buddha didn't like caste, and his monastic communities admitted anyone regardless of caste. he basically just ignored the caste and the Caste System