Dance Moms is a reality TV show that follows a young dance competition team, instructed by Abby Lee Miller.
Autumn lives in California and was born there too. Can you guys answer my question? For those who said yes was How can i dance just like Autie?? Love ya
Yes! Dance Moms is so addicting!
Dance Moms - 2011 Dance Moms Chatter 1 3-26 was released on: USA: July 2013
Kendall, Paige and Brooke were on probation in Dance Moms
sadeca of course
There are now 2 Dance Moms. the original one "Dance Moms" and the new one "Dance Moms: Miami" they are completly different. the fist one is in pittsburgh PA, while the other one is in Miami Florida. It just depends where the studio is. :) Dance moms miami is a rip off of dance moms and dance moms miami is terrible... Well that's my opinion but dance moms isn't complete without Abby Lee Miller.
Dance Moms is a reality TV show that follows a young dance competition team, instructed by Abby Lee Miller.
Autumn miller does have a boyfriend called Sean lew they live in California and ther favourite dance studios are kbm talent and mather dance company they are both twelve years old
The cast of Dance Moms Christmas Special - 2013 includes: Abby Lee Miller as herself
Yes, in fact, she also is on the Lifetime series"Dance Moms".
In Dance Moms, little kids compete in dance competitions. But, during the week of preparartion before the competitions, a lot of drama goes on between the dance moms, the dance students, and the teacher, Abby Lee Miller. _____ They're not really little kids though. Some of them are teenagers, previous dancers being over 14.
Abby Lee Miller (Dance Moms) is 50 years old (birthdate September 21, 1966).
Dance moms is better because it has better dancers!!
Autumn lives in California and was born there too. Can you guys answer my question? For those who said yes was How can i dance just like Autie?? Love ya
No, it did not. Dance Moms will have one more season, then Dance Moms: Miami will come back on Lifetime for a little while.