Yes, Sokka does trust Aang.
AANG! of course he could fire bend and melt his metel
Aang would so win because if sasuke would try anything, it wouldn't matter 4 Aang could counter it with 1 of the 4 elements.Another thing is that sasuke is like a complete and utter hobo. AND Aang can go like avatar on him
I think yes with the Non-Airbending people in the Temple I think Aang can teach them how to Airbend
probably not the only way they would do that is if aang said something meaningfull on his deathbed
yes you can use fire with zuko and aang only near the end,earth with aang and toph,water with aang and katara,and air with aang yes you can use fire with zuko and aang only near the end,earth with aang and toph,water with aang and katara,and air with aang
Aang was created in 2005.
Aang. His name's still Aang. Avatar Aang.
Yes. The Avatar after Aang is Korra.
You were correct, just capitalize "Aang"
Because he's NOT Aang.
Yes, Sokka does trust Aang.
Aang is played by Zach Tyler Eisen .
No. The Air Nomads were Aang's family and they were killed.
Aang is 112 when he leaves the ice burg so Aang turned 13 the first year he was in the ice burg
aang come on people aang is an air bender and in one of the episodes when he was training with sokka sokka attacked aang and got served earth bender style.
goku he can destroy the universe