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No, a wish is abstract. You can't feel or touch a wish. Hence the old phrase, "Wish in one hand and poop in the other, and see which one fills up faster."

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Q: Is a wish matter or not?
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Is a wish a matter?

No, a wish is abstract. You can't feel or touch a wish. Hence the old phrase, "Wish in one hand and poop in the other, and see which one fills up faster."

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Unfortunately, no. No matter how much you wish to be a wolf, no online site can make you into one.

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I wish! I'm not even a "thousandaire", lol. Or, even a "hundredaire" for that matter.

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Don't wish for something if you know that you will regret it if it came true

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If they wish to then they can but if they do nopt wish to then there is nothing wrong with it. Popular brands include addias, henleys but do NOT buy umbro! Does it really matter?

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If you wish. The only labels that matter are ones you apply to yourself.

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Since there is no evidence either way, that is a matter of what you wish to believe.

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You can plant wheat, or anything else for that matter, whenever you wish.

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Yes, as a matter of fact, they smell like fish...wish I was kidding.

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