Robins, like all birds, are warm-blooded.
no it is cold blooded no it is cold blooded no it is cold blooded no it is cold blooded
Donkey's are warm blooded. Cold blooded are animals like reptiles. Warm blooded are mammals. Think of it as Warm blooded animals give 'live' birth while cold blooded animals lay eggs (This excludes platypuses though- they're mammals but lay eggs. Why? I don't know)
Arthropods such as spiders, scorpions, centipedes, insects, etc. are all cold blooded as well as all reptiles and amphibians found in the desert. There are also birds and mammals that live in the desert and they are warm blooded. The answer to your question is 'both.'
All birds are warm blooded. The moa's main characteristics that are different from most other birds, was it's size and the fact that it was flightless.
Robins, like all birds, are warm-blooded.
Yes. Birds, like mammals, are all warm-blooded.
Cold blooded.
are catfish cold blooded or warm blooded
Cold Blooded
badgers are cold blooded
They are mammals so they are warm-blooded.
Rodents are warm-blooded. Not cold-blooded!
they are cold blooded because all worms are cold blooded
well they can be cold blooded and warm blooded
they are warm blooded
i think it is cold, because... budgies are not as feirce as a lion, snake (ect)