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well....according to me ithe donkey is dump....but still i am working on it, to find out weather they are smart or not....but when i get to know the exact thing, then I'll surely say over here.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Mules are known to be very patient and cautious. Contrary to popular belief

they are not stuborn or stupid. The main reason a mule will stop and sit down is that they are surveying their immediate area and will not move until

they feel it is safe to do so.

Ironically, I own a school bus company which is named School Mule Inc.

Many folks have asked me how I came up with this odd name for our

corporation. If you consider that school buses should be cautious in their

operation , as well as loyal , dependable , safe and cautious could there

be a better name in honor of such a fine animal which has contributed so much

to our American history and tradition.

Robert Steele,President

Schol Mule

Milford, DE 19963

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Yes, donkeys are known to be very stubborn.

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βˆ™ 12y ago


By Komail

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Donkey are as lazy as a lazyass

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βˆ™ 14y ago


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βˆ™ 7y ago


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Q: Is a donkey stubborn
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Why is democratic party represented by donkey?

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Use the word stubborn in a sentence?

I only received stubborn resistance. The stubborn donkey allowed no one a boarding pass.

What is to be used with As stubborn as a?

Donkey, rock.... really anything that is stubborn or unmoving. Mule is often used.

What is a sentence that uses the word stubborn?

I named that stubborn old mule "Number Seven" for a reason!The stubborn donkey would not budge.

What is the name of a stubborn animal that starts with d?

· donkey

What quality is associated with a donkey?

The expression is "as stubborn as a mule."

What was the first Nintendo game?

The first official Nintendo game was named Donkey Kong or Stubborn Gorilla, with the characters Jumpman, (Mario), Pauline and Donkey Kong. His name is Donkey Kong because the word kong tells you he is a gorilla, and the word donkey because he is stubborn like a donkey.

What is a macho horse?

a stallion breed with a donkey is a macho horse they are taller than donkey but just as if not more stubborn

What year did the stubborn donkey comic strip appear on the shelf's?

The stubborn donkey comic strip made its debut on the shelf in 2009. It quickly gained popularity for its humorous take on everyday life situations.

Horse is to mule as obedient is to stubborn?

Correct! A mule is a hybrid of a horse and a donkey, similar to how stubborn is an opposite trait to obedient.

Did Andrew Jackson start the donkey as Democrat mascot?

Yes, Andrew Jackson did start the donkey as democrat mascot because he was known for being as stubborn as a donkey(actually called a jackass).

What are some donkey habits?

This would depend on the individual animal. However some people think that they can be stubborn.