Rural market verses urban market?
Urban refers to a city- and San Francisco is a city, Rural refers to the countryside, which San Francisco is not.
False! The Rural Electrification Administration provided electricity to rural areas. Not urban.
rural and urban lifestyles.
Vancouver is Canada's major Atlantic Ocean port.
Canada is a country.It have rural and urban.
Canada would be considered a Urban setting.
British Columbia is a province in Canada that encompasses a mix of urban, suburban, and rural areas. While places like Vancouver and Victoria are urban centers, other regions in British Columbia, such as smaller towns and remote areas, are more rural. Suburban areas also exist, especially in the outskirts of major cities.
I have to correct that answers and most people in Canada live in urban cities. The Greater Toronto Area and the Greater Vancouver Area accounts for most of the population in Canada. That is also where you can find most banks, jobs, offices etc. urban internet such as IVC Telecom. Sports Arenas that compete on the highest levels.
The Dietician connected with the Vancouver company Urban Nutrition is Maria Thomas. She is specialized in health, wellness and fitness. She is from Vancouver, Canada.
Canada is 227 th from the most populated country But it is primarily urban as more than 50% of the population is a townie (Lives in an urban centre)
The City of Edmonton, located in Alberta Canada, is urban. The population within the city in 2014 was 877,926, making it the second largest municipality in Alberta and fifth largest in Canada.
Rural is farmland. Urban is innercity.
India is actually both rural and urban
52.3% of Jamaica is urban, and 47.7% is rural.
Urban and Rural, but all the cities are urban areas. The country skirts are rural.
parts of Nevada are rural and some parts are urban