Honestly, Trent is a better choice. Sadly, Gwen picks Duncan in Total Drama World Tour. There have been rumors that trent and gwen will get back together.
Gwen was friends with Duncan and Trent was paranoid that Duncan and Gwen were ore than friends. She was also tired of him throwing the challenges off and letting her win, because Gwen wants to win fair and square.
Duncan loves Gwen and breaks up with Courtny but Gwen starts making love with Duncan and then Trent finds out and then gets together with Courtny!
No, Owen ,Gwen, Heather, Duncan ,,Leshawna Geoff, Izzy, DJ, Lindsey, Trent, Harold, Beth, Justin, and possibly Courtney
Kinda, he did seem to be flirting with her in episodes 2-4. But in episode 12, the anvil didn't fall when she said that they were just friends. Spoiler!!! A comment said that Trent and Gwen come back in episode 15, and hook up, but idk for sure if that is true or not, could be either way! DxG FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!! Thats what Im talking about!!!!! Duncan and Gwen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I used to like Trent and Gwen, but when I figured out dirt was being mixed, Duncan and Gwen seemed to be getting... you know...
yes to make gwen mad
Gwen was friends with Duncan and Trent was paranoid that Duncan and Gwen were ore than friends. She was also tired of him throwing the challenges off and letting her win, because Gwen wants to win fair and square.
in tdwt? well maybe, Trent and Gwen are friends SPOILER ALERT: ever since duncan and Gwen's kiss things have been rocky between them
Duncan and Gwen there just alike
Yes, Gwen does like Trent on Total Drama Island. On Total Drama Action and World Tour, Gwen doesn't like Trent anymore, but likes Duncan. Trent and Gwen break up in Total Drama Action and Duncan and Courtney break up also. Gwen and Duncan then become a couple.
In my opinion, I think that they should and I've been hearing rumors that they might get back together. Because, TDWT producers have been said on their Twitters that they will let the couples together again, in some Aftermath, after Duncan, Courtney and Gwen get voted off, the kiss will be discovered an on a fury dash, Courtney will kiss Trent, and Duncan and Gwen will realize that they still loving Courtney and Trent, respectively, this discucion will be solved in 2 Aftermaths, then they will forgive the mistakes of the other and will kiss, Courtney and Duncan, and Gwen and Trent at the same time. I REPEAT, ITS ONLY A RUMOR, BUT IS HUGE, I hope it happen
Duncan loves Gwen and breaks up with Courtny but Gwen starts making love with Duncan and then Trent finds out and then gets together with Courtny!
From what i am hearing it is beth. but i think it should be duncan or justin. NOT OWEN!!!!!! i say it should be duncan becuz hes so awsome
The Total Drama Island couples are: Duncan and Courtney Tyler and Lindsey Trent and Gwen Geoff and Bridgette Cody and Beth {maybe, they did kiss} Owen and Izzy Harold and LeShawna *Katie and Sadie like Justin. Cody likes Gwen. Ezekiel likes Bridgette. SPOILER: Justin starts to like Courtney in Total Drama Action. SPOILER: In Total Drama Action, though, there is a twist between Duncan, Gwen, and Trent. Trent and Gwen end up breaking up because Trent is throwing matches for her, and because he was creeping her out with the whole "9" thing. As a result, Trent got kicked off because of Gwen. Gwen and Duncan are seen flirting and Duncan wrestled her to the ground. SPOILER- in total drama world tour, Duncan and Gwen become a couple, Sierra has a major crush on Cody, and Heather and Alejandro like each other (they sort of become a couple)
Gwen Duncan Trent Courtney Geoff Bridgette Harold Heather Beth DJ Izzy LeShawna Justin Lindsay Owen
Yeah. In Phobia Factor Trent RUNS away from Gwen while he PROMISED Gwen he would stay with her, OVER A MIMER!
Beth , Justin ,heather,duncan,courtny,brigette,geoff,Owen,Gwen,Trent Harold,lashawna, izzy,linday,dj,