Historically Red
No, actually it's a swing state that has fluctuated but mainly been blue leaning.
Its a blue state!
Red states and blue states just means what political way they will go. a red state is a republican state and a blue is a democrat state. so if it is either color it is which candidate from which party is going to win.
Blue, white, and red. Blue, white, and red.
Blue flowers red thorns Quote: (Donkey running through bushes of Blue flowers red thorns), "Blue flowers red thorns, Blue flowers red thorns, Blue flowers red thorns. Oh this would be so much easier is I wasn't color blind!" Blue flowers red thorns Quote: (Donkey running through bushes of Blue flowers red thorns), "Blue flowers red thorns, Blue flowers red thorns, Blue flowers red thorns. Oh this would be so much easier is I wasn't color blind!"
Blue,white,and red Blue,white,and red
Blue and Red.
red and blue
Actually, we have two. The strawberry is the state red berry, and the blueberry is our state blue berry.
Red and Blue.
The school's colors are mainly red and black.
red white and blue
The North Carolina Tar Heels team colors are blue and white, and the North Carolina Cardinals colors are red and black.
The colors that are seen on the state flag of North Carolina are red, white, and blue. The color blue represents justice, white represents purity, and the color red represents hardiness and valor.
The state bird of North Carolina, is the Cardinal. These birds are a vibrant red color with a black circle around their beak. The reason the Cardinal is North Carolina's state bird is because the Cardinal stays in North Carolina during all season's unlike in many other states.
The Red Drum, also known as Channel Bass, Redfish, or Spottail Bass, is the State Saltwater fish of North Carolina.
It's the colors of the American flag, and also the colors of the Confederate flag, which used to be displayed as part of the North Carolina flag.
The cardinal was chosen as North Carolina's state bird in 1943 due to its vibrant red color and common presence throughout the state. It is known for its beautiful appearance and cheerful song, making it a popular choice for representing North Carolina's natural beauty and wildlife.