The air distance from Auckland, New Zealand, to Canberra, Australia, is 1,435 miles. That equals 2,309 kilometers or 1,247 nautical miles.
New Zealand & Australia
The distance between Wellington, New Zealand and Sydney, Australia, is 1,378 miles (2,218 km) (1,198 nautical miles).However, the minimum distance between the continent of Australia and the islands of New Zealand can be found between the Resolution Island lighthouse in New Zealand's Fiordland and the Tasman Island lighthouse on Australia's island state of Tasmania. This is a distance of around 805 nautical miles, which is about 926 statute miles, or 1490 kilometres.
The distance between Auckland, New Zealand and Sydney, Australia is 1337 miles (2151 km).
New Zealand is southeast of Australia on the map. Find Australia and you will find New Zealand.
No it is about 4000 miles from Australia
a[approximately How many miles off the coast of Australia is New Zealand?
The distance between Australia and New Zealand varies depending on the city of departure and arrival. For example, the distance between Sydney, Australia and Wellington, New Zealand is 1378.2 miles. The distance from Perth, Australia and Wellington, New Zealand is 3283.3 miles.
The distance between Sydney, Australia and Christchurch, New Zealand is 1319 miles (2123 km).
New Zealand is generally south east of Australia.About 3,000Ks south east of Australia.
Yes. The country of New Zealand lies some 2,250 km, or 1400 miles, to the southeast of Australia.
No, NZ is several 1000 K's/miles from Australia
The South Island...
The air distance from Auckland, New Zealand, to Canberra, Australia, is 1,435 miles. That equals 2,309 kilometers or 1,247 nautical miles.
The air distance from Christchurch, New Zealand, to Perth, Australia, is 3,146 miles. that equals 5,063 kilometers or 2,734 nautical miles.
The air distance from Auckland, New Zealand, to Brisbane, Australia, is 1,424 miles. That equals 2,292 kilometers or 1,237 nautical miles.
1,146 nautical miles.